Scan for you data for free
Step 1: Enter your info Step 2: Scan data brokers Step 3: See results
Step 1: Enter your info Step 2: Scan data brokers Step 3: See results
Enter your Name.
Frequently Asked Questions
We can't scan for what you don't give us. Tell us what to look for and we'll start scanning for it. If the data brokers know it and we don't, then we are at the disadvantage.
Most data brokers know at a minimum your name, age, and location. Many know much more. For more details on data brokers check out our post What Are Data Brokers and Why Do They Have My Data.
Some sites let us search nationally while others require a city and a state to search. Instead of boiling the ocean and searching for you in every state, it is easier to narrow the search down to your city and state.
We like to connect your search results to a valid email address. Doing scans requires resources and we hope that some of the people who do a scan will sign up for our service. If you decide you don't want us to have your data, we are more than happy to delete it. Send us an email at from your email address requesting we delete your information and we'll take care of it within one or two business days.
We search data brokers for your data - meaning we go to those sites and enter the information you give us. We then tell you what we find. We do not do anything else with your data. We will send you a few scheduled emails and will email you if we have any sales or new product offerings. We don't do this super often. Everyone hates stuff they don't want in their inbox. You can unsubscribe anytime. If you unsubscribe, we wait a month then delete all your data. If you don't want us to email you and you don't want to sign up, we have no reason to keep your data. So we delete it.
If you need more details you can take a look at our Privacy and Security page.
We currently cover 231 sites. See the whole list on our covered sites page. We are always working to add new sites .
people trust us for their privacy.
people scanned for their data in the last week.