To opt out of email marketing:
2. On the bottom of the page click the “Email opt Out Service” link.
3. Enter the email address you are using for your opt out, complete the captcha, and click the "Submit" button.
4. Scroll down and look for the “dmachoice Opt Out” link under the “CONTROL YOUR LISTING” section.
5. Success! You have submitted your removal request successfully.
To opt out of receiving direct mail:
2. Click the Register as a Caretaker link on the bottom right.
3. Fill out the form for yourself.
4. Fill out the Information About You section with alias information including an alias email address or masked email address. This can be the same address you use for your opt outs. Complete the captcha.
5. Check your inbox for the confirmation email then click the removal link (or copy and paste it into your browser).
6. Once redirected, click the verification link.
7. Success! You have submitted your removal request successfully.