How Do You Get Your Information Removed From The Internet?

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How Do You Get Your Information Removed From The Internet?

Learn effective strategies to remove your personal information from the internet. Discover tips and tools to protect your privacy and secure your online presence.


Your personal information is more accessible than ever. From personal info to sensitive data like your social security number and bank account details, your privacy is constantly at risk. Hackers and scammers can exploit this data for identity theft, making it crucial to remove your personal information from the internet.

If you’ve ever Googled yourself, you might be surprised at how much information is available in the search results. Google search can reveal your home address, login details, and other personally identifiable information. To protect your digital security and minimize your footprint, it's essential to remove personal data from data broker sites.

This guide will show you how to remove your personal information from search engines, social media, and data broker websites, helping you safeguard your privacy and reduce your risk of identity theft and other scams.

Why Remove Your Information?

Stay Safe from Identity Theft

  • Cybercriminals use your personal info like social security number, home address, and login details to steal your identity.
  • They can open credit accounts, apply for loans, and commit fraud in your name.
  • Removing your personal data from the internet reduces your risk of identity theft.

Protect Your Personal and Professional Reputation

  • Potential employers, colleagues, and friends often use Google search to find information about you.
  • Negative or outdated details can harm your reputation and affect opportunities.
  • Ensuring accurate google search results helps maintain a positive image.

Reduce Your Digital Footprint

  • Every piece of data you share online contributes to your digital footprint.
  • Sensitive information, like bank account details or social security numbers, can be used by cybercriminals.
  • Deleting and removing personal information minimizes your footprint and enhances digital security.

Avoid Scams and Frauds

  • Scammers use publicly available personal data to create convincing schemes.
  • Reducing available information makes it harder for scammers to target you.
  • Protecting your personal data is your first line of defense against fraud.

Maintain Control Over Your Data

  • Data brokers collect and sell your personally identifiable information without your consent.
  • Services like MyDataRemoval helps scrub your information from these sites.
  • Regularly checking and removing personal information from data broker sites like Spokeo ensures you maintain control over your data.

Steps to Remove Your Personal Information


Find Your Information

1. Search Your Name on Google and Other Search Engines

  • Start by typing your name into Google, Bing, and other search engines.
  • Check the first few pages of results to see what information is available.
  • Note down any websites that display your personal information.

2. Check Your Social Media Accounts

  • Review your profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.
  • Look for any posts, photos, or personal details that you may want to delete or make private.
  • Adjust your privacy settings to limit who can see your information.

3. Look at Data Broker Sites

  • Visit popular data broker sites like Spokeo, Whitepages, and MyLife.
  • Search for your name to see what information is listed.
  • Make a list of these sites so you can contact them for removal.

Contact Websites

1. Find Contact Info on the Website

  • Locate the website’s contact information, usually found in the “Contact Us” or “Privacy Policy” sections.
  • Some websites have specific forms for privacy requests or opt-out options.

2. Send a Simple Email Asking to Remove Your Information

  • Draft a clear and polite email requesting the removal of your personal information.
  • Include your full name, the exact URL where your information is listed, and a brief explanation.
  • Here’s a template you can use:

Subject: Request for Removal of Personal Information

   Dear [Website Owner/Administrator],

   I am writing to request the removal of my personal information from your website. Below are the details of the information I would like to be removed:

   Full Name: [Your Full Name]

   URL: [Exact URL Where Your Information Is Listed]

   I am concerned about my privacy and would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Please confirm once the information has been removed.

   Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]

Use Privacy Tools

1. Try Enrolling to MyDataRemoval

MyDataRemoval is a service that can help remove your personal information from various data broker sites.

  • This tool handles the process of contacting websites and requesting the removal of your data.

2. Pros and Cons of Doing It Yourself vs. Using a Service

Doing It Yourself

Pros: It’s free, and you have full control over the process.

Cons: It’s time-consuming and can be repetitive.

Using a Service

Pros: It saves time and ensures thorough removal from multiple sites.

Cons: It usually involves a subscription fee.

Remove Personal Info from Specific Sites

Social Media

1. How to Delete or Deactivate Accounts


Delete: Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deactivation and Deletion > Delete Account.

Deactivate: Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deactivation and Deletion > Deactivate Account.


Deactivate: Go to Settings and Privacy > Your Account > Deactivate Your Account.


Delete: Visit the Delete Your Account page on the web, select a reason, and click “Permanently delete my account.”

Deactivate: Go to your profile on the web, select Edit Profile, and click “Temporarily disable my account.”

2. Adjust Your Privacy Settings


Go to Settings > Privacy and adjust who can see your posts, friend requests, and contact information.


Go to Settings and Privacy > Privacy and Safety to manage tweet visibility, direct messages, and photo tagging.


Go to Settings > Privacy to control account visibility, story sharing, and activity status.

Google and Other Search Engines


1. Use Google’s URL Removal Tool

-Visit the Google Search Console's Remove URLs Tool

-Click on “New Request,” enter the URL you want to remove, and select “Remove this URL only” or other applicable options.

-Monitor the request status for updates.

2. How to Remove Links from Bing

-Go to Bing’s Content Removal Request page.

-Sign in with your Microsoft account.

-Select “Submit a request to block content from search” and enter the URL you want to remove.

-Provide a reason for the removal request and submit.

Data Broker Sites

1. Steps to Opt-Out from Data Brokers


-Visit Spokeo’s Opt-Out page

-Enter the URL of the listing you want to remove and provide your email address for confirmation.


- Go to Whitepages’ Opt-Out page

- Follow the instructions to find your listing, verify your identity, and submit the opt-out request.


- Visit MyLife’s Opt-Out page

- Provide your personal details and follow the verification process to remove your information.

2. General Tips for Opting Out

-Check for Instructions: Each data broker has specific steps for opting out, usually found in their privacy policy or help section.

-Use Opt-Out Tools: Consider using tools like MyDataRemoval to automate the process of removing your data from multiple sites.

-Verify Removal: After submitting opt-out requests, verify that your information has been removed by searching the site again after a few weeks.

Know Your Rights

Basic Rights Under CCPA (for Californians)

Right to Know: Request information about the personal data collected, used, and shared.

Right to Delete: Ask companies to delete your data.

Right to Opt-Out: Opt-out of the sale of your personal data.

Right to Non-Discrimination: Companies cannot discriminate for exercising your privacy rights.


By taking proactive steps to remove your information and personal details from public data and public records, you can minimize the risk of leaks, doxing, and cybercrime.

When you find your personal information on websites or databases, don't hesitate to ask them to remove it. You can submit a removal request to webmasters or use services like us for more comprehensive data removal. These services can handle the opt-out process and takedown requests efficiently, saving you time and effort.

Additionally, enhance your privacy settings on all your social media sites and email accounts to prevent unauthorized access and data collection. Be aware that some sites may sell your information, so it's essential to opt-out and request deletion regularly.

To safeguard your Personally Identifiable Information (PII), get in the habit of using security tools such as VPNs, password managers, and privacy-focused web browsers. These tools help protect your data from scammers, thieves, and malicious actors who seek to exploit your information.

Remember, while no one can completely prevent all instances of data exposure, taking these steps you can take significantly reduces the risk. It's a time-consuming process, but the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is secure is well worth the effort.

For more details on data protection and privacy, check out our related articles. If you need help with the process of opting out and removing your personal information, contact MyDataRemoval. Our team will help you safeguard your privacy efficiently. Email us at or give us a call at (855) 700-2914.